How to OOP in Lua

I've found Lua to be a pretty fantastic language for building game prototypes. It has the cleanness and readability of JavaScript, but is one of the fastest scripting languages out there. Unfortunately, that similarity to JavaScript includes avoiding using OOP keywords, like "class" and "inherits". Ununfoturnately, these features can be fully recreated in Lua.

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Endure - A Proceduraly-Generated, 2D, Exploration Game

Mystery, discovery, confusion, panic, fear, curiosity. The feeling of adventure that you get from the original Zelda is pretty hard to beat. Everything after the start of the game is completely up to you and there's barely any hand holding. If you haven't built up the right amount of game intuition, you might not even head into the first cave and get a sword. Finding anything in Zelda is an accomplishment, even the very first dungeon.

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GitHub Pages with Jekyll Now is a trill way to blog

When I first starting looking for a blogging platform a few months ago I had the following priorities: it needed to be free, it needed to be easy to use, and it needed to be able to run scripts. My first inclination was to use a blogging site like Wordpress. Although Wordpress is free and easy, it didn't allow me to runs scripts on my pages. I wanted a perfect mix of control and ease that would give me the freedom to customize my site heavily, but allow me to ignore complexity. Enter GitHub Pages and Jekyll Now.

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Using forces in D3.js

I've said it before and I'll say it again, D3.js is an incredibly powerful tool that makes you look like a web development gangsta! If you would like to add a new trick to your D3 tool belt, follow me on a magical journey through the world of forces.

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An implementation of Conway's Game of Life with D3.js

When it comes to processing and displaying data, the D3 library is king. However, when I frist started using D3, I wasn't quite sure how to apply it to rendering a live, changing dataset. One design pattern, which I have found pretty much essential, is called the General Update Patern.

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